Package 'azlogr'

Title: Logging in 'R' and Post to 'Azure Log Analytics' Workspace
Description: It extends the functionality of 'logger' package. Additional logging metadata can be configured to be collected. Logging messages are displayed on console and optionally they are sent to 'Azure Log Analytics' workspace in real-time.
Authors: Vivek Atal [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Vivek Atal <[email protected]>
License: MIT + file LICENSE
Version: 0.0.6
Built: 2025-02-18 05:11:51 UTC

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Add additional meta variable


Add additional meta variables in the logging context on top of the ones that are readily collected in get_logger_meta_variables function. It might be needed to add some other metadata specific to the logging usage - that goal is served by this function.


  additional_fields = NULL,
  log_level = NULL,
  namespace = NA_character_,
  .logcall =,
  .topcall =,
  .topenv = parent.frame()



A named vector of type list with key-value pairs of additional meta data which needs to be added in logging context on top of log_fields. The respective value of each key is expected to be of length 1. It is NULL by default.


log level as per log_levels


string referring to the logger environment / config to be used to override the target of the message record to be used instead of the default namespace, which is defined by the R package name from which the logger was called, and falls back to a common, global namespace.


the logging call being evaluated (useful in formatters and layouts when you want to have access to the raw, unevaluated R expression)


R expression from which the logging function was called (useful in formatters and layouts to extract the calling function's name or arguments)


original frame of the .topcall calling function where the formatter function will be evaluated and that is used to look up the namespace as well via logger:::top_env_name


Returns a vector of collected meta-data. It is used in defining the log_layout function.

Build API signature for logging to 'Azure Log Analytics'


'Azure Log Analytics' HTTP REST API documentation for 'Python' is followed to create the 'R' version of it. 'Python' version of this function is described at





customer_id of the 'Azure Log Analytics' workspace


shared_key of the 'Azure Log Analytics' workspace


date-time of logging event


Content length of the body


Only one value is expected - POST


Only one value is expected - application/json


Only one value is expected - /api/logs


Returns part of the header of HTTP POST request to be sent to 'Azure Log Analytics' workspace

Customized logging layout


This is an extended function of layout_json function from 'logger' package. Objective is to add additional component in the logging layout in JSON format so that they can also be reported while logging along with the components collected by .add_meta_variables.


  log_fields = c("time", "level", "ns", "ans", "topenv", "fn", "node", "arch", "os_name",
    "os_release", "os_version", "pid", "user", "msg"),
  additional_fields = NULL,
  enforce_ascii_msg = TRUE,
  enforce_tz_utc = TRUE



Vector of components which are collected in get_logger_meta_variables function. Converting time component to UTC additionally.


A named vector of type list with key-value pairs of additional meta data which needs to be added in logging context on top of log_fields. The respective value of each key is expected to be of length 1. It is NULL by default.


If TRUE (default), the logging message is guaranteed to have all non-ASCII characters escaped. If FALSE, the characters will be logged as-is. Please note, it is better to ensure ASCII, otherwise there might be error while sending the HTTP POST request to 'Azure Log Analytics' workspace.


If TRUE (default), the logging time field is converted to UTC timezone while sending the logging dump to 'Azure Log Analytics' workspace. If FALSE, then the local time captured by Sys.time is recorded in the time field.


Returns a generator function typically to be used by log_layout function.

Build and send a request to the POST API of 'Azure Log Analytics'


Build and send a request to the POST API of 'Azure Log Analytics'


.post_data(customer_id, shared_key, body, log_type)



customer_id of the 'Azure Log Analytics' workspace


shared_key of the 'Azure Log Analytics' workspace


Content or message to be logged in JSON format


Log-Type as defined in 'Azure Log Analytics' document, for custom logging


Returns the HTTP response object

Get configuration value


Get the configuration value of a specific key which was set (or not set) using set_log_config function. If nothing was set, then it reuses the default value defined in the function signature of set_log_config function.


get_log_config(key = NULL)



Specify the key whose value needs to be extracted. NULL implies no specific key, rather all of them to be extracted at once.


Returns the respective configuration value of the given key. If key is NULL, then all the configuration values will be returned together as a list.


# Get configuration value without setting anything
  # Set some configuration first and then get the respective values
  set_log_config(enforce_tz_utc = FALSE, log_to_azure = FALSE)
  # Reset the values

  # Extract list of all configurations

Logging related functions


Logger function defined which are created on top of log_level and layout_json - these are part of another package 'logger'. Additional capabilities have been added to those functions which enables this function to be able to send logs directly to the 'Azure Log Analytics' workspace, and also have control to post log outputs into the console - as per user input. Note that, logging threshold can be directly set (if needed) using log_threshold function from 'logger' package.


  log_fields = get_log_config("log_fields"),
  additional_fields = get_log_config("additional_fields"),
  enforce_ascii_msg = get_log_config("enforce_ascii_msg"),
  enforce_tz_utc = get_log_config("enforce_tz_utc"),
  log_to_azure = get_log_config("log_to_azure"),
  log_type = get_log_config("log_type"),
  log_customer_id = Sys.getenv(get_log_config("customer_id_env"), "abcd"),
  log_shared_key = Sys.getenv(get_log_config("shared_key_env"), "abcd")










Content(s) of this argument is directly passed on to log_level function of the 'logger' package.


Character vector of field names to be included in the JSON. These field names are automatically collected by get_logger_meta_variables function, please refer to that function's documentation to see which fields are collected.


A named vector of type list with key-value pairs of additional meta data which needs to be added in logging context on top of log_fields. The respective value of each key is expected to be of length 1. It is NULL by default.


If TRUE (default), the logging message is guaranteed to have all non-ASCII characters escaped. If FALSE, the characters will be logged as-is. Please note, it is better to ensure ASCII, otherwise there might be error while sending the HTTP POST request to 'Azure Log Analytics' workspace.


If TRUE (default), the logging time field is converted to UTC timezone while sending the logging dump to 'Azure Log Analytics' workspace. If FALSE, then the local time captured by Sys.time is recorded in the time field.


If TRUE (default), then logs will be sent to 'Azure Log Analytics' workspace and console. Else if FALSE then logs will not be sent to 'Azure Log Analytics' workspace, it will only be displayed on console, which is the default layout of 'logger' package.


Single element character vector is expected. Logs will be posted to this event on 'Azure Log Analytics'. For details, check this: . Default value is "log_from_r".


Workspace ID of 'Azure Log Analytics' workspace. By default it fetches from the environment variable named AZ_LOG_ID. If the environment variable is not set, then a dummy value "abcd" is used. The environment variable's name can be modified by set_log_config


Shared key of 'Azure Log Analytics' workspace. By default it fetches from the environment variable named AZ_LOG_KEY. If the environment variable is not set, then a dummy value "abcd" is used. The environment variable's name can be modified by set_log_config


  • Most of the arguments of this function have a default value which is read from the output of get_log_config. The idea is to run the set_log_config function once to define the default arguments; and use them automatically while logging anything without the need of specifying them every time it is triggered.

  • 'Azure Log Analytics' workspace id and shared key are intentionally fetched from environment variables for security purpose. It is not a good practice to specify them explicitly. Using environment variable is one easy approach to potentially hide it from unintentional user.

  • It may take ~5–10 minutes to see the logging messages on the 'Azure Log Analytics' portal after the first time a message is posted to a new custom log table.


If log_to_azure is FALSE then log output is shown on console. Else, if TRUE, then log output is shown on console, as well as posted to 'Azure Log Analytics' workspace under the custom table name as specified by log_type argument. If POST request is unsuccessful, then additional warning message is thrown with POST request response. If POST request is successful, then it invisibly returns the POST object.


Logging layout is set in JSON format, required to send to 'Azure Log Analytics'. Note that this layout modifies the global namespace of 'logger' package by default - that is not important for this use case.

logger_info is a wrapper function around logger_level - logging level is set as INFO by default.

logger_error is a wrapper function around logger_level - logging level is set as ERROR by default.

logger_warn is a wrapper function around logger_level - logging level is set as WARN by default.

logger_debug is a wrapper function around logger_level - logging level is set as DEBUG by default.

logger_fatal is a wrapper function around logger_level - logging level is set as FATAL by default.

logger_success is a wrapper function around logger_level - logging level is set as SUCCESS by default.

logger_trace is a wrapper function around logger_level - logging level is set as TRACE by default.


# Define logging config and then use logger_* functions to log
set_log_config(log_to_azure = FALSE)
logger_level(logger::INFO, "logging message")
# Specify other arguments explicitly inside the logger_level function
logger_level(logger::INFO, "logging message", log_to_azure = FALSE)

# For ease, use wrapper functions instead of using `logger_level` function as
# below
logger_info("logging message info", log_to_azure = FALSE)

# Also, instead of writing `log_to_azure = FALSE` every time, set the
# configuration in one step using `set_log_config`, and continue to use
# wrapper functions as usual.
set_log_config(log_to_azure = FALSE)
logger_info("logging message info")

# Wrapper function for log level 'error'
logger_error("logging message error")

# Wrapper function for log level 'warn'
logger_warn("logging message warn")

# Change log threshold to debug
# Wrapper function for log level 'debug'
logger_debug("logging message debug")

# Wrapper function for log level 'fatal'
logger_fatal("logging message fatal")

# Wrapper function for log level 'success'
logger_success("logging message success")

# Change logging threshold
# Wrapper function for log level 'trace'
logger_trace("logging message trace")

Set logging configuration


Set the logging configuration once by executing this function. There won't be any need to set them every time while logging something via logger_level or any wrapper of that, e.g. logger_info function(s).


  log_fields = c("level", "time", "msg"),
  additional_fields = NULL,
  enforce_ascii_msg = TRUE,
  enforce_tz_utc = TRUE,
  log_to_azure = TRUE,
  log_type = "log_from_r",
  customer_id_env = "AZ_LOG_ID",
  shared_key_env = "AZ_LOG_KEY"



Character vector of field names to be included in the JSON. These field names are automatically collected by get_logger_meta_variables function, please refer to that function's documentation to see which fields are collected.


A named vector of type list with key-value pairs of additional meta data which needs to be added in logging context on top of log_fields. The respective value of each key is expected to be of length 1. It is NULL by default.


If TRUE (default), the logging message is guaranteed to have all non-ASCII characters escaped. If FALSE, the characters will be logged as-is. Please note, it is better to ensure ASCII, otherwise there might be error while sending the HTTP POST request to 'Azure Log Analytics' workspace.


If TRUE (default), the logging time field is converted to UTC timezone while sending the logging dump to 'Azure Log Analytics' workspace. If FALSE, then the local time captured by Sys.time is recorded in the time field.


If TRUE (default), then logs will be sent to 'Azure Log Analytics' workspace and console. Else if FALSE then logs will not be sent to 'Azure Log Analytics' workspace, it will only be displayed on console, which is the default layout of 'logger' package.


Single element character vector is expected. Logs will be posted to this event on 'Azure Log Analytics'. For details, check this: . Default value is "log_from_r".


The name of the environment variable (default is AZ_LOG_ID) which stores the workspace ID of the 'Azure Log Analytics' workspace. Please refer to see how you may get the required workspace ID.


The name of the environment variable (default is AZ_LOG_KEY) which stores the shared key of the 'Azure Log Analytics' workspace. Please refer to see how you may get the required shared key.


It saves the configuration in an environment enclosed within this package. Returns nothing explicitly.


set_log_config(log_fields = c("level", "time", "msg", "user", "pid"))
  set_log_config(enforce_tz_utc = FALSE, log_to_azure = FALSE)